Tuesday, August 7, 2012

In the beginning...

you begin. right?  I am not really sure that I am opinionated enough to actually do a blog but thought I would just see so.. it is the beginning. 

In the last year there have been several changes in our lives, some expected and some not so much. 

I became a grandmother to the cutest, smartest, most amazing little boy in the world!  He is my first grandchild as you can probably tell. 

I have worked from home for fifteen years and took a part-time job to hopefully get a "snowball" rolling but after working both jobs for about seven months I get the news that my full time job is being "outsourced".

I have also moved from just being a student to a sharer of knowledge.  I don't consider myself a teacher in any shape or fashion but I have to say God has given me a desire to dig in his word a little deeper and after several months I can say I am not terrified to begin the class.  Probably because He has shown me He is with me. 

As you can see there are many thing GOing on here that are just a part of everyday life BUT I do like GOing.  Getting out of the house and heading down the road, be it 10 miles or 1000 miles - it is all good.  Our choice of transportation at this time is the motorcycle.  I love sitting on the back as we cruise down the road taking in all that God has created.  All the sites and the smells...yes the smells.  Most of the time it is cut grass, flowers, rain, but then there are those lovely chicken houses, cattle farms and worse of all pig farms.  Just as in life...this too shall pass.

Well - the first one is done.


Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."